Strategic Plan

June 26, 2020

Igniting Christ-like change in men and women through ​radical experiences of honesty and grace!

Vision Goal

By the close of 2025, The Crucible Project will be the sustainable leader of high quality, volunteer-driven Christ-centered soul work throughout the globe with easily accessible, culturally competent Christ-centered offerings

The Crucible Project will be known throughout the Church globally as the go-to resource for Christ-centered soul work.

  • Improve Redwood communications by maximizing technology to inform in the way Redwoods consume information today (app, podcasts, texts, etc.)​ ​
  • Develop high quality, mission-centric, outward facing communications about the ministry (podcasts, webinars, press releases, book, documentary, etc.)​
  • Wake up the Church to Christ-centered soul work and our key teachings (book, press releases, media, events and publications).

​The Crucible Project will develop and implement high quality, accessible, culturally competent Christ-centered offerings across the globe holding over 100 initial transformation weekends annually.

  • Expand volume of offerings by replicating leadership and developing communities where life-long soul work is valued (community development, group and workshop development and leadership replication through continuous learning).​​
  • Develop and implement soul work solutions for churches, corporations, and special populations (marriages, sex traffic survivors, veterans, incarcerated, addicted, youth, etc.).​
  • Expand global access to Christ-centered soul work through online culturally competent offerings serving deployed missionaries, isolated pastors, and circles of Redwoods (app, live events, webinars, podcasts, coaching, groups, etc.).​​
  • Develop and implement quality improvement systems to continually strengthen and evolve all offerings (incident reporting, program effectiveness, leader development systems and community development, etc.).

The Crucible Project will maximize resources with highly ethical, efficient and mission-centric business practices. ​

  • Align business practices to the high-quality standards of respected third-party reviewers (i.e. Charity Navigator, Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability, etc.)​​
  • Maximize efficiency of all support systems through the use of safe and secure technology to automate office systems for impeccable business practices.​​
  • Invest in culturally competent human resources through policies and practices that attract and retain quality, Christ-centered team members (employees, contractors, volunteers.)​

The Crucible Project will inspire generosity to secure the financial future and sustainability of the mission and ministry.

  • The Crucible Project will inspire generosity to secure the financial future and sustainability of the mission and ministry.
  • Invite investment opportunities for legacy giving through focused campaigns (endowment, international training center) with individuals, foundations, grants, corporations, etc.).​​
  • Create donor accountability reports and investment opportunities to inform about mission impact results. (annual report, regular communication plan, annual fund development events, annual campaigns, etc.).

The Crucible Project Annual Report

The Crucible Project is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit ministry.
Contributions are tax deductible to the extent provided by law.