What are the Biblical cornerstones for The Crucible Project?

Our experiential weekend is based on Genesis 32, where Jacob wrestles with God, receives a new name, a blessing and begins a new relationship with God. This biblical teaching — and several others from the life of Jesus and other biblical characters — fuels our vision to create a world of men and women who live with integrity, grace and courage, fulfilling their God-given purpose.

Other Biblical influences on our weekend experience include:

Integrity: (Matthew 5: 37; Ephesians 4:15; James 5:16; Matthew 7: 3-5)

Courage: (1 Thessalonians 5: 14-15; 1 Timothy 4:16; Proverbs 20:5)

Grace: (Romans 15:7; Matthew 7: 1-2; Romans 12:15; 1 Peter 4:8)

Who goes to these weekends?

The men and women who come on our weekends want to experience truth and grace in a community of other people of faith living in an authentic faith-living community. They have the courage to take off their masks and honestly explore what is and what is not working in their lives and to cut through the false pretenses that keep them from leaving a legacy to impact in our world, like Jesus did (1 Corinthians 16: 13-14).

I know someone who completed the Crucible Weekend. Why won’t he or she share specifics?

If you are like most people, life’s distractions keep you from being present in the moment. We do not provide a detailed schedule of what happens on the weekend in order that you might be fully present, without distraction, to take a fresh look at your faith and life from a different perspective beyond your normal comfort zone. We also believe that you are most likely to experience new levels of honesty and grace on this weekend through a series of exercises which build upon each other and the element of mystery and surprise. Most men and women who attend the weekend say they were glad no one told them what to expect ahead of time.

Is the weekend physically challenging?

The weekend has some physically challenging parts to stretch you into new capacities and perspectives. It is not a boot camp or a health and fitness retreat. Safety protocols are always followed and accommodations are available so that almost everyone at every physical level can experience the full weekend. You can also pass on any activity.

Can I leave if I decide it’s not for me?

All participation is voluntary. You are free to decide for yourself what is best, whether to pass on any process or exercise, or leave if you desire. Since the weekend is designed to be challenging, you may experience times when you would rather be somewhere else — just like in life, your job, your relationships and other responsibilities. A key to any growth is not running away but pushing through the limits, fears or truths you may have been avoiding. The men and women who persevere are glad they did.

Is the weekend only for Christians or can anyone attend?

The Crucible Weekend is designed for men and women who are actively living out their Christian faith as well as anyone who may be wrestling with faith or doubting God.

What do I get for the weekend fee?

You receive lodging for Friday and Saturday, three meals Saturday and two on Sunday, participant materials and exercises, along with the guidance of trained, highly experienced staff leaders. Some of the fee goes to The Crucible Project’s administrative costs as well as helping to fund financial assistance for participants who need financial support.

I heard that carpooling is encouraged. Can I drive by myself?

We ask everyone who attends the weekend, including staff, to carpool. Logistically, parking is limited and carpooling lessens our environmental impact. Sharing the journey also gives you the opportunity to connect with other participants during the trip, which is an important dynamic before and after the weekend. Many participants find they have more in common than expected and lasting friendships are forged.  That said, carpooling is not required.

How do I get to the location if I fly in from out of town?

We have staff members designated to work out a way to get you from the airport to the weekend.

I have diet restrictions. Can I bring my own food?

We work with men and women to accommodate food allergies and diet restrictions. You will be given the opportunity to indicate any special needs/restrictions on your Health Form included in the registration process.

Is The Crucible Project connected to a specific church or denomination?

The Crucible Project’s board, leadership and retreat leadership are Christians in churches across the spectrum of Christianity.  We are not connected to any one church, denomination or movement.  On the weekend, you will be encouraged to grow and live out your faith in your local church community.

Is this a different version of counseling or group therapy?

No, this is a series of trainings and exercises to help ignite Christ-like change through radical honesty and grace.  Although anyone may find the teachings, exercises and understandings of this weekend to be useful, it is made with the understanding that neither The Crucible Project, nor those leading the weekend, are engaged in presenting specific medical, psychiatric, psychological, or mental health advice, diagnosis, or treatment.  You should engage in a program of treatment, prevention, cure or general health only in consultation with a licensed, qualified physician, psychiatrist, therapist or other competent professional.  Any person suffering from psychiatric issues should consult a mental health professional for services.

What if I have more questions?

Talk with the person who introduced you to The Crucible Weekend, or contact us and a staff member will respond to you.

Why Crucible for Women?

For years, women have seen the dramatic changes in men following their Crucible experience. They asked for a place where they could have a similar experience and do their soul work, but until now, Crucible was not in a position to commit to women’s work. Now, we’re ready! By offering very similar exercises, content and language we will be building bridges between men and women. This in turn will create greater value for couples.

What makes The Crucible Project Women’s Weekend different from other women’s weekends?

On The Crucible Project Women’s Weekend, the content – while very similar to the men’s weekend – is contextualized for women. It offers a “quest experience” for the participants. While this women’s weekend is experiential and challenging, it differs in tone from the men’s weekend. It is not the same experience as other women’s soul work communities offer.

Will this weekend compete with other women’s weekends?

We believe we offer a unique weekend experience. We don’t seek to compete, but rather to complement the good work offered by other organizations. Before launching The Crucible Project for Women, the Women’s Ministry Leader worked with other women’s soul work communities. Each offer valued services and a unique experience to the women they serve. We would encourage any woman to continue their Christian soul work with us and other communities.

Who leads the women’s endeavor?

The Crucible Project Women are leading Crucible’s Women's soul work.  Experienced leaders in women’s soul work formed a leadership team to design and launch the weekend. This group of seasoned women developed and ran our pilot weekends in the spring of 2019 and support the growth of Crucible Women's programs  Crucible men have stepped up to offer volunteer support as this new ministry takes off, and the board and staff of Crucible are fully involved in supporting this endeavor every step of the way.

Will The Crucible Project offer groups to women following their Crucible Weekend?

Yes, We offer soul group opportunities for women after they complete a Crucible weekend.

How are female weekend leaders trained?

The Crucible Project is committed to leadership development and provides training in a leadership path for the long-term growth of Crucible Women’s soul work.

What about the COVID Pandemic?

Here are Frequently Asked Questions about what you can expect on our Weekend.