Attend The Crucible Women’s Weekend

See What People Are Saying:

An Invitation To Our Women's Christian Retreat

It's time for women to embrace what it means to be truly feminine in 2022. The Crucible offers a Christian Women's Retreat retreat designed to challenge, honor, and restore your unique feminine soul. We hope you'll join us for this dynamic, powerful experience. Discover how God can breathe life into your strength, beauty, tenderness, and passion.

What do we do on the weekend?

You’ll have the opportunity to look at what’s working in your life – and what’s not. 

  • You’ll discover why you freeze and hide, even at the cost of missed opportunities.
  • You’ll understand why you run and fight, even while pushing away the support you desperately need.
  • You’re invited to face the hard places you’ve been avoiding, so you can indeed be free.

My life is pretty messed up right now.  Should I wait to come at a better time?

As women, we carry a lot. “Messed up” can be experiencing pain for a child or friend, anger at a spouse, unresolved conflict, internal unrest, lack of hope, sadness, unforgiveness, grief. We all carry wounds from life’s encounters that leave deep scars. We hope that the Crucible for Women gives you freedom, clarity, and a path to move forward. Whatever your mess, you are welcome on the weekend retreat.

Why do I need to face this stuff?

Our experience is that the greatest freedom happens when we face our true selves—including the most challenging parts to look at—in light of God’s irresistible kindness. Meeting the hard places allows Him to heal, restore and celebrate the unique creation that is YOU.

Are women honored in these Christian Retreats?

Absolutely. God created women with extraordinary uniqueness—we are life-givers and encouragers who are tender, tough, tenacious and, wise. We possess a uniquely feminine ability to lead with purpose, passion, and power from the heart. This weekend, you’ll have the opportunity to reclaim the gift of womanhood. Be a woman who can freely bless others and be a force for God’s goodness. It’s how we change ourselves. It’s how we change the world.

If you’re up for the challenge of a radical, heart-shifting experience and hungry for deep, life-giving relationships with yourself and other women, please consider joining us.

We invite you to experience radical grace, no matter what. Weekends fill up quickly, so register today.

What about the COVID Pandemic?

Here are Frequently Asked Questions about what you can expect on our Weekend Retreats.

Christian Women's Retreat

Calendar of Events

Open Registration
Waitlist Only
Registration Closed


Initial Weekends

International Second-level Weekends

These retreats are open to women who have completed a Crucible Initial Weekend (or equivalent).

United States

Second-level Weekends

These retreats are open to women who have completed a Crucible Initial Weekend (or equivalent).