Attend A Christian Men’s Retreat Weekend

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What Are Our Christian Men's Retreats Designed For?

The Crucible Weekends are Christian Men's Retreats designed to challenge you to take a hard look at what is working and what is NOT working in your life. It will push beyond typical Christian answers. We also offer crucible weekends for women.

Are you ready to take that journey?

The Crucible Weekend will challenge you to take that journey. You will let go of your excuses, move beyond blaming others and look at how you contribute to those parts of your life that are not working.

Are you willing to face those challenges?

The Crucible Weekend is an intense experience that will challenge you, primarily emotionally but also spiritually and physically. If your motivation comes from those who invited you, it will quickly fade once the weekend begins. The resolve to step into each challenge the weekend presents can only come from you deciding you want this for yourself and are ready to do whatever it takes to confront those parts of yourself that are holding you back from the life you want for yourself.

Are you ready to travel where there is no path?

Are you willing to step into the unknown? First, into various exercises and activities that are new to you, and beyond that, into the unknown places within yourself, areas you've denied existed from yourself and those around you. Are you ready to travel where there is no path, to encounter God, and to see what He has for you there?

If you’re ready to go deep, discover life-changing truths about yourself, and experience radical grace, sign up below.

What about the COVID Pandemic?

Here are Frequently Asked Questions about what you can expect on our Weekend Retreats. You can also check out our Online Retreats if you're not ready to travel outside your hometown.

Christian Men's Retreats

Calendar of Events

Open Registration
Waitlist Only
Registration Closed


Initial Weekends

International Second-level Weekends

These retreats are open to men who have completed a Crucible Initial Weekend (or equivalent).

United States

Second-level Weekends

These retreats are open to men who have completed a Crucible Initial Weekend (or equivalent).