Zoom Check-ins
Every Monday and Thursday night at 7 pm. Open to any man | Join Zoom Meeting
Prayer Nights
Every night at 7:30 pm CDT there will be a Zoom prayer meeting. It will be from 7:30-8:00 pm. You don't have to participate each night, but it will be ongoing for anyone who wants to join | Join Zoom Meeting
The format will be:
- 7:30 pm CST Start with brief centering and check in - emotions with no context unless needed.
- Prayer requests: for those who are sick, quarantined, having financial difficulties or lost a job due to COVID-19, etc.
- Popcorn style prayer from any/all who want to pray.
- 8:00 pm CST Leader closes in prayer. No check out.
In addition to our prayer times, anyone can submit a prayer request at anytime by emailing, and let us know if you want it to remain anonymous or if not. Please also include your name and which community you’re from.
Crucible Conference
We are excited to announce the first annual Crucible Conference to be held in Houston, Texas! More info TBA
Facilitation Trainings (Basic and Advanced)
In 2020, The Crucible Project will be offering facilitation training for men and women who have completed an initial weekend. They will be taught by senior certified leaders. Due to COVID-19, these trainings will be conducted by video conference. There is a cost to these trainings and space is limited so sign up early.
Training dates:
All online. Click date to register: May 30-31 (Basic) | August 21-22 (Advanced) | October 2-3 (Advanced)
Ask us about video-based groups — send us a message using the form below. More info coming soon. We appreciate your patience.